"The general structure of an Android XML layout file is simple: it's a tree of XML elements. ... This structure makes it easy to quickly build up UIs, using a more simple structure and syntax than you would use in a programmatic layout."
Hmm, let's try that. First the xml version:
<TextView android:id="@+id/textview" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" android:text="Hello, Android"/>And now the Java version:
TextView tv = new TextView(this); tv.setText("Hello, Android");Is the xml version simpler? Not sure. It's a little bit verbose but still readable.
What about editor support? In a good editor, like that of IntelliJ, I can Ctrl+Space Java code as well as Android layout xml. So, no difference.
But there is one difference:
You can step Java code, but you cannot step XML!
Case closed.
well said...
+1. Just began my foray into android development and Java coming from other mobile and web-dev backgrounds. Sure enough a syntax error in one of my XML layouts cascaded into an almost untraceable exception. Can't step through notation or markup!
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